Great Place! - All assisted living places have issues with employee turnover, but Harbison Shores handles it very well. The facility is well maintained and run very well. My parent says the staff teat him very well and he feels like they care for him and he feels very secure here.
Preventing Boredom Back

Do you go to bed at night wishing your days were more productive, creative, and purposeful? Experiencing boredom can rob us of the joy and happiness life has to offer at any stage of life. For seniors who spend much of their days alone or with limited interactions, it can be daunting to find ways to fill your time with meaningful activities. Don’t despair! The author Robert M. Pirsig once said, “Boredom always precedes a period of great creativity.” There are many activities you can participate in that will keep you physically, mentally, and even socially active. Here are four simple ways you can prevent boredom:
1. Engage in a New Hobby
It’s never too late to try something new! If you are feeling frustrated because you feel lonely or bored, exploring a new hobby is an excellent way to keep your body and mind active and engaged. A survey in the UK found that over 70% of people over 60 take up a new challenge in their later years! If you enjoy physical activities try dancing lessons, bike riding, or even a new sport you’ve always wanted to learn. If you are more creative, look into acting opportunities near you, or learn a new language! How about simply learning a new skill such as woodworking or sewing? In all your exploring, you may just find your new niche in life.
2. Reach Out to Your Community
There are several organizations in your community that have great need for the talents, experience, and love you have to share. Volunteering for a cause you support not only staves off boredom, it allows you to meet new people, make new friends, and share your wisdom, talents, and abilities! When you are engaged in serving others, your passion and purpose deepens as you go outside of yourself in efforts to help others.
3. Join the Internet Community
Don’t let this suggestion scare you! Participating in the internet community opens a world of possibilities for your connectivity, learning, and growth. It is one of the most convenient, regular ways you can stay connected with your friends and family both near and far. You can view pictures and read about current experiences from your family through social media sites, you quickly communicate through email, or can even live streaming through Skype or Facetime. Whether its on a mobile device or computer, you can access games, classes, and just about any bit of information you’ve ever wanted to learn about!
4. Join or Start a Game Group
From monopoly to scrabble, gin rummy or bridge, meeting regularly as a group of friends or family to play a good ‘ole game together is a wonderful way to pass the time. When these groups are formed, they usually meet together on a regular basis which creates a nice friendship and bond. It will not only give you something to look forward to, but it will provide a sense of routine and structure for your life.
Let today be a turning point for you to explore activities and ways to fight boredom and start enjoying who you are and what you have to offer those around you!