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Don't Just Live but Really LIVE! Back
Have you found yourself sitting in your favorite chair more often? Have you heard others laughing but stayed away? Do you know what is going on at dinner or are you staying in your apartment?
It is common for us to keep to ourselves more as we age however if you are finding that your happiness level isn't what it once was, you need to make a change and make it quickly. You are responsible for your own happiness and you want to get the most of life as you can. This is not a dress rehearsal. How, you ask? Here are some tips:
- Make the Decision - Decide that you want to LIVE your life to the fullest and enjoy every minute of it!
- Set Your Alarm - I know it sounds silly, you are retired so why would you set an alarm. Setting an alarm will help remind you that you have a purpose. You want to wake up and get going with your day!
- Shower as soon as you get up! A nice shower not only feels great but it gets your brain going and prepares you to accomplish something.
- Go to the Dining Room = You can decide if you want to go foor breakfast, lunch or dinner or all of them. If you go to the dining room to eat, you will meet other residents and enjoy their company! Making friends adds so much to your happiness.
- Have a Positive Attitude - If you believe that you are happy, happiness will find you. If you smile at others and are positive, people will recognize this and want to bring happiness to you, as well.
- Be Grateful for your Blessings - Always having an attitude of gratitude will bring you even more blessings.
- Let the Ones You Love Know You Love Them - People love knowing htat they have made an impact in your life. You should let those you care about know how you feel! They, in turn will show you how loved you are!
- Remember, you deserve to be happy!!